Baby Number 2 Ready?

Hi guys,


A week has flown by so quickly. My week has been filled with cleaning, working and shopping. Just a regular week in my hectic life. Lolo has got more teeth woohoo that means more Ashton & Parsons for her sore gums, and a few sleepless nights here and there. Nothing I can’t handle though.

Last week some magical happened on Instagram. Beyoncé announced her pregnancy, in a weird sort of maternity shoot. Creative much, I liked the floral background of the picture and that’s about it really. The picture was the most liked picture on Instagram of all time. WOW. As you can probably tell by my tone I’m not a huge Beyoncé fan, I love a few songs but I’m not a die-hard fan.

Once Beyoncé announced her pregnancy social media went into overdrive with, memes, comments, even some yummy mummies sharing pictures of their pre baby bumps. I slightly missed my bump, and all the attention I got but I’m much happier seeing my little love pot every day.

Coming from a Nigerian background family is the centre of everything. So it didn’t come as a shock to me when my Grandma asked me when I’ll be having baby number 2! Yes, my Grandma asks a lot of uncomfortable questions, I guess it’s just the old age hehe. Thanks Beyoncé for reminding my Grandma that she wants another great-grandchild. At the moment she has 14 Grandchildren and 4 Great-Grandchildren. Big family right? The answer I gave my grandma was “When I’m ready.” I’m not ready for the sleepless nights, and frequent nappy changes again! A Short, sweet and witty answer always works with my Grandma. Kept her quiet for the rest of the evening.

It led me to realise some women note SOME are pressured about expanding their families, by other family members. Being a mummy is amazing but my baby is only 1 years old, I want to enjoy watching her hit milestones, take her first steps and spit out the foods she hates. I’m not ready to share our bond with a sibling just yet, if this makes me selfish then so be it then.

People have this obsession of asking mums especially mums with only one child, “when are you giving him/her a brother or sister?” I don’t mind questions like these as I always have a sassy comeback, however some mums are fighting personal issues. I made a new mummy friend on this amazing app called “Mush” and we discussed the pressure surrounding growing our small families. Both her birthing experiences were really scary so the thought, of her having another baby daunts her.

Babies are beautiful blessings from God, we can’t really predict or time them. All we can do is embrace our blessings and carefully plan them. Lol

Please feel free to comment and share your ideas about, spacing babies and motherhood below!


With Love


Lauren’s Mummy.




  1. Khadijas Hooyo · February 8, 2017

    I completely agree. Becoming a mum has made me realise that some mums are sensitive to being asked such questions, for whatever personal reason (difficult pregnancy/ labour, PND etc.). Hopefully your post will remind others to be more sensitive with their questions towards new mums! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lauren's Mummy · February 8, 2017

      Yeah hun I hope so too, because so many mums have different issues which they don’t really like discussing! Xx


  2. sarahshosho · February 8, 2017

    Gurrlll bubbas only 11 weeks and ppl already asking when am i having more like say i even have a man 😂😂😂. Nonsense.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lauren's Mummy · February 9, 2017

      Loool you see it! People act as if they will help look after the babies, just to come snap pics and go home. 😂😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • sarahshosho · February 9, 2017

        LOOOOOOOL exactly. Just to go home after ya know


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